Dentist Bull Run, VA

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Fixed braces

In contrary to the removable dental braces, the fixed ones are put on by an orthodontist for the whole period of the treatment. Nowadays, patients opt for them rather than for the removable braces because the treatment is noticeably shorter and ...

Old fashioned remedies for teeth whitening

The pursuit of white smile is commonly associated with the 20th century society. However, people have been striving for white teeth since hundreds of years. ...

Do chewing gums whiten teeth?

Who wouldn't like to have white teeth? In reality, just a few people have an ideally white smile, though, everybody dreams about it. On the market we can now get chewing gums which - according to the producers - possess whitening ...

What Is Medicaid, Medicare And CHIP Insurance?

Insurance is difficult to understand for a lot of people. It’s more so when contemplating state-sponsored insurance such as Medicaid and CHIP or government insurance like Medicare. Here’s what it’s all about. ...

Teeth whitening side effects

Do you want to whiten your teeth? Contact your stomatologist first and make sure that the treatment will be safe for you. Teeth are a very important part of a person's appearance. On the grounds of somebody's teeth condition we can ...