Dentist Lakeland North, WA
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Are you a little confused about which whitening method to choose? To count on a cheaper home remedy or to trust a specialist? Find out what produce the best effects! ...
January 11 2015
A dead tooth is a colloquial name for a tooth that does not have a nerve inside it because it was replaced by a dissolvable material during the root canal treatment. A tooth may also become dead due to caries. The ...
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Cheap methods for teeth whitening
Who doesn't want to have a beautiful and glamorous smile? Unfortunately, it is not possible when our teeth are yellow and have coffee, tea or cigarettes stains. Few people can afford expensive and professional in-office whitening treatment. Fortunately, you can achieve ...
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A treatment has to be conducted whenever a malocclusion is diagnosed. Otherwise, it may cause face deformation or have many undesirable health consequences. ...
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Home remedies for teeth whitening
How to restore natural whiteness to your teeth without spending wealth on professional products and dental appointments? Here are methods which will glamorize your grin. ...
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