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January 11 2015
Do you want to whiten your teeth? Contact your stomatologist first and make sure that the treatment will be safe for you. Teeth are a very important part of a person's appearance. On the grounds of somebody's teeth condition we can ...
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We usually associate the braces with children. Nowadays, however, more and more adults also become patients in the orthodontic offices. Fashion is not only about clothing, good cosmetics, complexion and hairstyle. White and healthy teeth are also trendy. When should an adult contact ...
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Don't exaggerate with teeth whitening
Nowadays, the teeth whitening treatment is becoming more and more popular. There are also a lot of new products which you can use for in-home whitening. When does teeth whitening become dangerous? ...
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Make your dentist proud by building these effective oral care habits. New WellPoin survey that examines how we view dental coverage benefits. ...
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When to contact an orthodontist?
Beautiful, white and ideally aligned teeth are the beauty ideal. In order to enjoy it, it is not enough to just pay attention to the oral hygiene. It is necessary to prevent and treat malocclusions. ...
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