Dentist San Germán, PR
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November 10 2017
Beautiful smile, as well as healthy and straight teeth, are very often an effect of a long-term and expensive treatment. Modern orthodontics offers a great variety of different malocclusion treatments. Unfortunately, we have to pay for some of them. ...
December 11 2014
Though there are many chemical whiteners on the market, we can also use natural whitening methods that won't put the health of our teeth in danger. Sometimes instead of using chemicals we can simply... eat! ...
January 11 2015
Why aren't my teeth pearly white anymore?
You used to have white teeth which made your friends jealous. Since recently, however, you have noticed that your smile lost its gloss. Find out why is it so. ...
December 05 2017
When to contact an orthodontist?
Beautiful, white and ideally aligned teeth are the beauty ideal. In order to enjoy it, it is not enough to just pay attention to the oral hygiene. It is necessary to prevent and treat malocclusions. ...
January 31 2015
Make your dentist proud by building these effective oral care habits. New WellPoin survey that examines how we view dental coverage benefits. ...
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