Dentist Shady Hills, FL

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Why causes malocclusion?

Malocclusion means all dysfunctions of the tooth form and the incorrect relation between the teeth. There are genetic factors which condition the occurrence of malocclusion, nonetheless, it is most often an effect of bad habits in childhood. ...

I have malocclusion. What to do if you don't want to or cannot get braces?

Braces are not for everyone. Are there any alternatives to braces? There is a lot of people who don't want to get braces due to emotional, aesthetical or professional reasons. There are also people, who can't get braces because of health ...

10 ways to whiten your teeth

Smile is one of the most basic elements of human appearance. Both men and women mention it as one of the most important factors of making a good first impression. It is worth to think about it and to take care ...

Why aren't my teeth pearly white anymore?

You used to have white teeth which made your friends jealous. Since recently, however, you have noticed that your smile lost its gloss. Find out why is it so. ...

How to safely whiten teeth at home?

Lately a pearly white smile is close at hand thanks to variety of available methods - from simple home remedies to professional in office treatments. How to whiten your teeth without undergoing an expensive in-office treatment? ...