Dentist Maltby, WA
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December 10 2014
Old fashioned remedies for teeth whitening
The pursuit of white smile is commonly associated with the 20th century society. However, people have been striving for white teeth since hundreds of years. ...
December 11 2014
Though there are many chemical whiteners on the market, we can also use natural whitening methods that won't put the health of our teeth in danger. Sometimes instead of using chemicals we can simply... eat! ...
January 11 2015
A dead tooth is a colloquial name for a tooth that does not have a nerve inside it because it was replaced by a dissolvable material during the root canal treatment. A tooth may also become dead due to caries. The ...
December 07 2014
Smile is one of the most basic elements of human appearance. Both men and women mention it as one of the most important factors of making a good first impression. It is worth to think about it and to take care ...
November 28 2017
Malocclusion means all dysfunctions of the tooth form and the incorrect relation between the teeth. There are genetic factors which condition the occurrence of malocclusion, nonetheless, it is most often an effect of bad habits in childhood. ...
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