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November 19 2017
We usually associate the braces with children. Nowadays, however, more and more adults also become patients in the orthodontic offices. Fashion is not only about clothing, good cosmetics, complexion and hairstyle. White and healthy teeth are also trendy. When should an adult contact ...
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What happens to your teeth during the bleaching treatment?
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Teeth whitening: Is it good for everyone?
Teeth whitening is a very safe treatment, which offers wonderful benefits. Unfortunately, it is not for everyone. Find out whether teeth whitening is safe for you. ...
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Lately a pearly white smile is close at hand thanks to variety of available methods - from simple home remedies to professional in office treatments. How to whiten your teeth without undergoing an expensive in-office treatment? ...
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Old fashioned remedies for teeth whitening
The pursuit of white smile is commonly associated with the 20th century society. However, people have been striving for white teeth since hundreds of years. ...
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